(278) Common cause for Nature. A practical guide to values and frames in conservation
- Elena Blackmore et al
- DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-016
(277) Nonviolent conflict transformation: Training manual for a Training of Trainers Course
- R. Mischnick
- DEEEP-BOOK-2014-475
(275) European Development Education Monitoring Report 'DE Watch'
- Johannes Krause et al
- DEEEP-REPORT-2015-001
(274) The Common Cause Handbook: A guide to values and frames for campaigners, community organisers, civil servants, fundraisers, educators, social entrepreneurs, activists, funders, politicians, and everyone in between
- E. Blackmore et al
- DEEEP-BOOK-2014-343
(272) Brennpunkt: Drëtt Well (Magazine on development, Luxembourg); 40422
- M. Keup
- DEEEP-JOURNAL-2014-012
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