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11. Formation supervision accompagnement (Training supervision support) / STICS [DC-ST-1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-598]
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12. Global matters: Case studies of education for a just and sustainable world / H. Shah (eds in chief) and M. Jenkins (eds) [DE-SH-1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-581]
Global Matters celebrates just some of the exciting examples of global learning going on around the country in schools, youth work and communities. [...]
Fulltext: Download fulltextPDF;
13. Und weiter gehts's Engagement bei und mit ASA. Lernen Erfahren Bewegen / ASA [ME-ASA-1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-024]
14. ITECO : Rapport d'activites 2003, programme des actions 2004 (ITECO: Report of activities 2003, programme of actions 2004) / ITECO [DE-ITE-1] [DEEEP-REPORT-2014-095]
15. Open Spaces for Dialogue and Enquiry: Methodology / Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ) [DE-CEN-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2014-011]
The OSDE methodology supports the creation of open spaces for dialogue and enquiry about global issues and perspectives focusing on interdependence [...]

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