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1. Financing human development and the ending of extreme poverty in Africa / By Marcus Manuel ; Stephanie Manea [DC-ETTG-1] [DEEEP-PAPER-2020-003]
This briefing note builds on previous ODI research to examine how the European Union (EU) could play a leadership role in ending extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa by better targeting support for human development in the poorest countries..
Full report: Download fulltextPDF; External link: Download fulltextFull report
2. Global Citizenship Education. Adult Education and Development 82 / Carlos Alberto Torres ; Jason Nunzio Dorio ; Elmer Romero ; Michel Foaleng ; et al [DE-DV-5] [DEEEP-JOURNAL-2015-101]
External link: Download fulltextFulltext
3. Africa's Orphaned Generations / UNICEF [DC-UNIC-1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-660]
Fulltext: Download fulltextPDF;
4. Responsibility in the World. Development Cooperation at the Hanns Seidel Foundation / M. Kastler [DC-KAS-1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-406]
5. Feeling the heat. The human costs of poor preparation for disasters; 2012 / Islamic Relief [DC-IR-1] [DEEEP-REPORT-2014-094]
This report calls for more commitment to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). [...]
Fulltext: Download fulltextPDF;
6. 2008. Islamic Relief Worldwide and subsidiarity undertakings. Annual Report and Summary Financial Statements; 2008 / Islamic Relief [DC-IR-4] [DEEEP-REPORT-2014-093]

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