The State of Global Education in Europe 2017
/ Global Education Network Europe (GENE)
This report provides an overview of the development and state of Global Education in the European countries participating in GENE, including information on policy, funding, support, strategy, structures and sector-wide initiatives. [...]
Full report: PDF; External link: Full report
Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD: 30 Anos em Prol do Desenvolvimento (Portugal NGDO Platform: 30 Years in Favor of Development)
/ Portugal NGDO Platform
External link: Fulltext
National Strategy for Development Education (2010 - 2015) Portugal
/ IPAD - Instituto Portuges de Apoio ao Desenvolviment-I.P
Since the Maastricht Conference in 2002, Development Education (DE), or Global Education as is better known in other European countries, has been recognised to be determinant for a better understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty, the impact of development efforts and for raising awareness in developed countries about these issues. [...]
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Objectivos De Desenvolvimeto Do Milenio Appresentacao - ODM
External link: Fulltext
Caderno de Actividades; 3
/ Nedoikos
External link: Fulltext
Juntos Podemos: Participacao Civica em torno dos Objectivos do Milenio (Together We Can : Participation Civica around the Goals of the Millennium)
/ V. Simoes
Comercio Justo: una alternativa (fair trade: an alternative)
/ L. Afonso ; CIDAC
O mundo em nos. Historias e actividades para crescer na diversidade ("in the world. Stories and activities to grow in diversity")
/ AidGlobal
DEAR matters Strategic approaches to development education in Europe
/ Tobias Troll ; Rilli Lappalainen ; Petra Skalická ; Ana Teresa Santos ; et al
The need to address development education and awareness raising (DEAR) in a systematic and strategic way is increasingly recognised by a broad range of state- and non-state actors in Europe [...]
Fulltext: PDF;
Journeys to Citizen Engagement : Action Research with Development Education Practitioners in Portugal, Cyprus and Greece; Research 3
/ Amy Skinner ; Sandra Oliveira ; Kerstin Wittig-Fergeson ; Gerasimos Kouvaras
Fulltext: PDF;