CONCORD Library 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
1. WorldWise Europe PCD Study: Eight Case Studies to Promote Policy Coherence for Development / CNCD-11.11.11 ; FORS ; AKÜ ; Eurodad ; et al [DC-CN-1] [DEEEP-PAPER-2018-033]
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2. Non-Profit Sector and the Consolidation of Democracy. Studies on the Development of Civil Society in Estonia / Mikko Lagerspetz ; Aire Trummal ; Rein Ruutsoo ; Erle Rikmann [CS-LAG-1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2015-074]
3. Solidaarne kool: õppematerjalid (Solidarity school: learning materials) / M. H. Kaber ; H. Uri [ME-KAB-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-306]
4. Солидарная школа: учебные материалы (Solidary school / learning materials) / M. H. Kaber ; T. K. Kaber [DC-KABE-1.2] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-401]
5. Solidaarne kool: õppematerjalid (Solidarity school: learning materials) / M. H. Kaber ; T. K. Kaber [DC-KABE-1.1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-400]
6. Maailmaparandaja Teejuht: Arengukoostööst ja sellest, kuidas sina saad panustada (Gooder Guide: Development cooperation and how you can contribute) / J. Helin ; A. Kool ; R. Kuusik ; A. Nurm ; et al [ME-HE-1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-332]
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7. Who is who in global learning in Europe: ENGLOB - European Network on Global Learning, Who is who des globalen Lernens in Europe: ENGLOB - European Network on Global Learning / B. Bohmer ; B. Glindmeier and L. Helfrich [DE-BO-1.1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-049]

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