Book DE-BO-1.1 [*] DEEEP-BOOK-2014-049

Who is who in global learning in Europe: ENGLOB - European Network on Global Learning, Who is who des globalen Lernens in Europe: ENGLOB - European Network on Global Learning

B. Bohmer ; B. Glindmeier and L. Helfrich

World University Service (WUS), Deutsches Komitee e.V., Projekt "Globales Lernen im Dialog"
ISBN: 3-9-22845-38-X

Keyword(s): Austria ; Belgium ; Cyprus Denmark ; Czech Republic ; Estonia ; Europe ; Finland ; France ; Germany ; Global Learning ; Governmental Organisations ; Great Britain ; Greece ; Hungary ; Iceland ; Ireland ; Italy ; Latvia ; Liechtenstein ; Lithuania ; Luxembourg ; Malta ; Netherlands ; Network ; NGOs ; Norway ; Poland ; Portugal ; Slovakia ; Slovenia ; Spain ; Sweden ; Switzerland ; Uk

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[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2014-11-19, last modified 2014-11-19

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