Przygody z Matumbo
/ David Dziwosz (Ed.) ; Agnieszka Mazur ; Jerzy Szurgot sdb
Książka „Przygody z Matumbo” to zbiór bajek, opowiadań, historii afrykańskich, mających swoje korzenie w Namibii, kraju Afryki Południowej. [...]
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ICARRD. Three-Level Advocacy for Genuine Agrarian Reform
/ Rosario Bella Guzman (Ed.)
External link: Fulltext
Thank You for Asking How I Feel
/ Dragana Dardic ; Miodrag Zivanovic ; Activists of the Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Banja Luka
Somewhere during spring, I asked Dunja, which was seven years old girl than, if she knows what is Dayton [...]
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La Renaissance Des Communs Pour une société de cooperation et partage
/ David Bollier
De nombreux domaines de notre patrimoine commun sont actuellement en état de siège : l’eau, la terre, les forêts, les pêcheries, les organismes vivants, mais aussi les œuvres créatives, l’information, les espaces publics, les cultures indigènes… Pour proposer une réponse aux multiples crises, économiques, sociales et environnementales, que connaît la notre société actuelle, David Bollier invite à revenir sur cette notion de « communs », un ensemble de pratiques sociales collectives que la modernité industrielle a fait progressivement disparaître. [...]
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Jahrbuch Globales Lernen. waren sie uberhaupt schon mal da? zuruckgekehrte fachkrafte, freiwillige und menschen in der diaspora als akteure des globalen lernens; Jahrbuch Globales Lernen 2014
/ George Kramer (Welthaus Bielefeld ) Ed.
In der neuen Publikation des Dachverbands der entwicklungspolitischen Nichtregierungsorganisationen geht es um zurückgekehrte Fachkräfte, Freiwillige und Menschen in der Diaspora als Akteure des Globalen Lernens. [...]
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Enhancing Southern Voices in Global Education
/ Paula Njeri Konttinen ; Anni Vihriala
This booklet is meant for people working in organizations and projects that are engaged in representing the development realities of people such as poverty, climate justice, human rights, environmental and gender issues in the South [...]
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Enabling Sustainable Choices in Everyday Life. 12 Strategies to Promote Behaviour Change
/ Caroline Petersson
This book is a product of the Global Awareness in Action (GAIA) [...]
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How Much Solidarity do Hungarians Have?
/ Eva Bordos ; Aniko Gregor
External link: Fulltext
IBON Primer on South-South Cooperation
/ IBON International
DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE, in the traditional North-South mode, has been based mainly on industrialized nations of the Global North providing aid to developing countries of the Global south to help meet the latter's development goals. [...]
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Real Aid. Ending Aid Dependency
/ Anna Thomas ; Lacopo Viciani ; Jonathan Tench ; Rachel Sharpe ; et al
Aid dependency among 54 of the world’s poorest countries has declined by a third over the last decade, according to a new report from ActionAid. [...]
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