Report DC-EUR-4 [*] DEEEP-REPORT-2018-017

How to Spend it. Smart procurement for more effective aid

B. Ellmers ; N. Molina ; J. Pereira


Abstract: During the last decade, donors and recipients have made commitments to improving how development aid is delivered. In recent years, Eurodad and other civil society organisations have examined various aspects of how to make this aid more effective, but so far independent research has paid little attention to the agreements made on procurement- the purchasing of goods and services by governments to implement public projects or provide public services such as infrastructure or health and education services- despite the fact that procurement plays a decisive role in determining how aid is spent and who is the ultimate beneficiary of aid. Commitments on procurement oblige donors and recipient countries alike to make reforms that will increase the chance that more aid goes to companies and individuals in developing countries, rather than to companies from the donor country. This report assesses the progress made against these commitments and looks at how smarter procurement can make aid more effective to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development.

Keyword(s): development aid ; Civil Society ; Procurement ; public services ; donor country ; Effectiveness ; Poverty eradication ; Sustainable Development

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Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Reports
Financing for Development

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2018-07-11, last modified 2018-07-25

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