AidWatch Report 2012: Aid we can - invest more in global development
/ K. Albrecht for CONCORD Europe
Since 2005 the development NGOs from all 27 EU countries have come together through the AdWatch initiative to produce this report, under the umbrella of CONCORD [...]
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Penalty Against Poverty. More and better EU aid can score Millennium Development Goals ; 40330
/ CONCORD Europe ; J. Pereira ; A. Bozzini
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Challenging self-interest: Getting EU aid fit for the fight against poverty
/ CONCORD Europe ; G. Kessler
This year’s AidWatch report confirms that EU member states are off-track to meet their aid quantity and aid effectiveness commitments, and are increasingly prioritising self-interested aid policies that are reflecting their own immediate security, migration and commercial interests. [...]
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Partnership or Conditionality ? Monitoring the Migration Compacts and the EU Trust Fund for Africa
/ CONCORD Europe
This report, available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Czech monitors these instruments, by analysing the way these funds are used and the possible consequences they have on the ground [...]
Full report: PDF; External link: Full report
/ CONCORD Europe
The Annual Report provides an excellent overview of the work, strategy, and objectives of CONCORD in 2017. [...]
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AIDWATCH 2018.Aid and Migration.The Externalisation of Europe's responsibilities
/ CONCORD Europe
This paper will provide a commentary on the impact of the links between migration and development policies in Europe's external agenda. [...]
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
TRANSFORMING LIVE?.EU Dender Action Plan II.From Implementation to impact
/ CONCORD Europe
In September 2015, the EU adopted the Joint Staff Working Document ‘Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Transforming the Lives of Girls and Women through EU External Relations 2016-2020’, also known as ‘GAP II’ [...]
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AIDWATCH 2018 SECURITY AND AID.Fostering development or serving European donors' national interest
/ CONCORD Europe
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)16 which is dedicated to promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development [...]
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
How will you work for Sustainable Development - A litmus Test for EU Leaders
/ CONCORD Europe
Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) has been a legal obligation of the EU and its Member States [...]
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CONCORD Policy Brief.Towards Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration. Lessons learnt from the externalisation of migration and asylum policies integrated by the European Union
/ CONCORD Europe
With this policy brief, Concord aims to draw lessons for the future Global Compacts from the externalization of migration and asylum policies implemented by the European Union (EU) in the past decade, which were brought under a single framework with the adoption of the Agenda on Migration in 2015 and of the New Partnership Framework and Migration Compacts in 2016.2
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext