Agir pour le changement. Guide méthodologique pour accompagner des processus de changement "complexe" : analyser, planifier, suivre et évaluer (Act for change. methodological guide to accompany "complex" process of change); Repères sur... n°10
/ Bruno de Reviers ; Hédia Hadjaj-Castro
Les acteurs de la solidarité et de la coopération internationale (ONG, collectivités territoriales…) accompagnent des dynamiques de changement, souvent inscrites dans le long terme : renforcement des capacités, concertation et gouvernance, sensibilisation, plaidoyer… Ces processus sont complexes ; leur évolution est incertaine. [...]
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Transformation - Reflections on theory and practice of system change
/ Johannes Krause
What is the Great Transition or Great Transformation so many people talk about? Why would we need a system change? The author, Johannes Krause, provides a sincere and personal interpretation of these concepts [...]
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Le marché de la faim (Der Hungermarkt): Acheter sans regret: Support explicatif de la campagne (The hunger market: Buying without regret: Explaining support of the campaign)
/ TransFair Minka ; SOS Faim Luxembourg ; Frères des Hommes and Action Solidarité Tiers Monde (ASTM)
A curriculum for Global Citizenship: Oxfam's Development Education Programme, Cwricwlwm dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang: Rhaglan Addysg Datblygiad Oxfam
/ Oxfam Development Education Programme
Change the world... Locally: 25 success stories of development cooperation at local level
/ Mostra Communication
Elements regarding 'the Impact in the North'; 38322
/ A. Kaboré
Young people's experiences of global learning: An Ipsos MORI research study on behalf of DEA
/ Ipsos MORI on behalf of DEA
This report presents findings from the 2008 Survey of Secondary School Pupils, carried out by Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute on behalf of DEA. [...]
Fulltext: PDF;
Young people's experiences of global learning: An Ipsos MORI research study on behalf of DEA
/ Ipsos MORI on behalf of DEA
This report presents findings from the 2008 Survey of Secondary School Pupils, carried out by Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute on behalf of DEA. [...]
Fulltext: PDF;
The Common Cause Handbook: A guide to values and frames for campaigners, community organisers, civil servants, fundraisers, educators, social entrepreneurs, activists, funders, politicians, and everyone in between
/ E. Blackmore ; R. Hawkins ; T. Holmes and T. Wakeford
Fulltext: HTM;
The Common Cause Handbook: A guide to values and frames for campaigners, community organisers, civil servants, fundraisers, educators, social entrepreneurs, activists, funders, politicians, and everyone in between
/ E. Blackmore ; R. Hawkins ; T. Holmes and T. Wakeford
Fulltext: HTM;