Analysis and recommendations on the promotion of civic space and enabling environment in EU external action
/ CONCORD Europe
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CSO access to EU funding. External instruments
/ CONCORD Europe ; Samantha Chaitkin ; Filip Waszczuk ; Karin Thalberg ; et al
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Global Citizenship Education in Europe: How much do we care?
/ CONCORD Europe ; Ilze Saleniece
While Global Citizenship Education is recognised by many as a powerful tool to resolve the current global challenges our world is facing, the level of investment by national governments remains limited. [...]
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Partnerství nebo kondicionalita? Monitoring migračních kompaktů a Svěřenského fondu EU pro Afriku
/ CONCORD Europe ; Olivia de Gerry ; Andrea Stocchiero ; Nancy Porsia ; et al
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Partnership or conditionality? Monitoring the Migration Compacts and EU Trust Fund for Africa
/ CONCORD Europe ; Olivia de Guerry ; Andrea Stocchiero ; Nancy Porsia ; et al
How is EU money allocated and spent in Africa when it comes to migration? Is this money used for development purposes? Does it help migrants and refugees? By focusing on one of the main EU financial instruments for migration, the new CONCORD report (available in EN, FR, CZ) analyses the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa and more specifically its implementation in 3 key partner countries: Libya, Niger and Ethiopia..
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
CONCORD EU Delegations Report 2017
Fulltext: PDF;
Guidance note on application forms. Full proposal guidelines prospect
/ CONCORD Europe
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EU Funding delivery mechanisms. New trends in EuropeAid funding, and what they mean for CSOs
/ CONCORD Europe
Trust funds, framework partnership agreements, follow-up grants, financial support to third parties – all of these and more are new trends in EuropeAid funding that many CSOs have questions about: What are these new mechanisms? Who decides how they will work? What rules apply? Where is the right information? CONCORD has studied the different funding delivery mechanisms and collected experiences from members, and the result is this new study aiming to help platforms and networks within CONCORD and other CSOs to better navigate the current EU funding landscape..
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Guide to EuropeAid funding instruments 2014 - 2020
/ CONCORD Europe
This report aims to provide the reader with a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the instruments and programmes (both thematic and geographic) used by the European Union (EU) in its development cooperation..
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Knowing the audience. Survey Findings on International Development Sector Attitudes to Development Education and Research on Public Attitudes
/ Simon Moss ; Max Hogg
This brief report explores the way in which the international development sector itself views and understands public attitudes towards development, and in particular, how this understanding interacts with development which in turn has encouraged debate about what drives of these attitudes [...]
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext