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1. Buy it fair. Leitfaden zur beschaffung von computern nach sozialen und okologischen kriterien (Buy it fair. Guide for procurement of computers as social and environmental criteria) / F. Butollo ; J. Kusch ; T. Laufer [ME-BUT-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-337]
2. Inhalt: Kakao ( Contents : cocoa) / P. Doyle ; G. Riess [ME-DOY-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-318]
3. Plus de 150 outils pedagogiques pour mieux comprendre les relations Nord-Sud / F. Malaise ; S. D'Haenens ; O. Balzat ; Inform'action asbl [ME-MAL-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-305]
4. Mòj styl, moja odpowiedzialnosc! Podręcznik dla aktywistek I aktywistòw (My style, my responsibility! Handbook for activists and activists) / Koalicja Karat [ME-KOA] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-304]
5. Semaine de la solidarite internationale. Toutes les ressources pour organiser une animation / Animafac ; Etudiants et developpement [ME-ANIM-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-301]
6. Space rownik. Przewodnik po swiadomej konsumpcji. Sustainable Consumption Guidebook / E. Karòlewska ; A. Rok ; K. Szeniawska [ME-KAR-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-296]
7. Fairer Handel in Schulerfirmen / U. Berger ; A. Hammoud ; N. Abrea ; C. Katzer [ME-BERG-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-291]
8. The coming Home Book for returned overseas volunteers, development workers, humanitarian workers and missionaries / H. Patron ; M. Robinson [ME-PAT-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-289]
9. The dark side of cyberspace. Inside the sweatshops of China's computer hardware production / Jenny Chan ; Charles Ho (SACOM) [ME-CH-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-035]
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10. Fairtrade footballs. A teaching topic for schools / Bezev - Disability and development Cooperation ; Stiftung Umwelt und entwicklung Nordrehin-westfalen [ME-BEZ-1] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-030]

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