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1. Deepening the Food Crisis? Climate Change, Food Security and the Right to Food / T. Hirsch ; C. Lottje [DC-HIR-1] [DEEEP-PAPER-2018-031]
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2. Reconceptualising global education from the grassroots: the lived experiences of practitioners / Amy Skinner ; Matt Baillie Smith [DE-DE-12] [DEEEP-REPORT-2015-095]
What is it really like to be a global education practitioner? What influences practitioners’ everyday practice? How does this affect how they understand and talk about what they do? How do practitioners relate emotionally to their work? In DEEEP4 final research report “Reconceptualising global education from the grassroots: the lived experiences of practitioners“, Amy Skinner – DEEEP4 research coordinator and Matt Baillie Smith – Professor of International Development at the Northumbria University, give voice to 16 Global Education practitioners from 15 different countries around the world, providing a fascinating insight into how they view and understand their work..
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3. The European journal of development research. Journal of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes Vol.26 n°5 december 14 (EADI); number 5 / Spencer Henson [DC-EAD-8] [DEEEP-JOURNAL-2015-018]
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4. A right to participate: Securing children's role in climate change adaptation / Children in a changing climate [DC-CH-1.2] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-094]
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5. A right to participate: Securing children's role in climate change adaptation / Children in a changing climate [DC-CH-1.1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-093]
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6. The index of global philanthropy and remittances; 2010 / C.C.Adelman [DC-AD-1] [DEEEP-BOOK-2014-008]
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7. Building Resillience to Disasters in Europe. Connect and Convince to Reducae Impact of Vulnerability; 2012 / UNISDR [DC-UNI-1] [DEEEP-REPORT-2014-158]
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8. HFA. Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action in Europe: Advances and Challenges. Report for the period 2009-2011 / HFA (Hyogo Framework for Action in Europe) [MI-HF-1] [DEEEP-REPORT-2014-084]
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