ECDPM Annual report 2016
/ ECDPM (European Centre for Development Policy Management)
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Why did the chicken cross the road?
/ Sarah Cummings (ed.) et al.
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Education, Learning and the Transformation of Development
/ Troll, Tobias ; Brown, Eleanor ; Skinner, Amy ; Smith, Matt
Whilst education has been widely recognised as a key tool for development, this has tended to be limited to the incremental changes that education can bring about within a given development paradigm, as opposed to its role in challenging dominant conceptions and practices of development and creating alternatives. [...]
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Education, Learning and the transformation of Development
/ DEEEP ; Amy Skinner ; Matt Baillie Smith ; Eleanor Brown ; et al
Whilst education has been widely recognised as key tool for development, this has tented to be limited to the incremental changes that education can bring about within a giver development paradigm as opposed to its role in challenging dominant conceptions and practices of development and creating alternatives. [...]
Le partenariat Nord-Sud a l'epreuve du quotidien: une dynamique riche, complexe, aux multiples facettes
/ Céline Lemmel ; Franck Signoret
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
YOUth ACT. Recognising, Motivating, Engaging Young People as Actors in Development Education, Campaigning, Advocacy; 2009
/ DEEEP Summer School 2009
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Getting eradication of global poverty and social inclusion on the political agenda through development education, campaigning, advocacy; 2008
/ DEEEP -Summer School 2008
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C.7. Integrating GDE into the Academia; Block C Integrating GDE into Teaching and Research
/ The Global Dimension in Engineering Education - GDEE
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Guidebook to EU Decision-Making in Education and Training
/ Audrey Frith
All you need to understand the decision-making process in the European Union on the topic of Education and Training..
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
The Most significant change (MSC) technique. A Guide to its use
/ Rick Davies ; Jess Dart
This publication is aimed at organisations, community groups, students and academics who wish to use MSC to help monitor and evaluate their social change programs and projects, or to learn more about how it can be used. [...]
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext