The EPA between the EU and West Africa: who benefits? Coherence of EU policies for development. Spotlight report 2015
/ CONCORD Europe
Fulltext: PDF; External links: Fulltext; Fulltext
Position commune des acteurs de la citoyennete mondiale et solidaire: developper l'education a la citoyennete dans l'enseignement obligatoire de la communite francaise de Belgique (Common position from actors of global citizenship education)
/ Acodev ; Annoncer la couleur
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Reforme de la formation initiale des enseignants: des enseignants mieux outilles en matiere d'education a la citoyennete mondiale et solidaire
/ Acodev ; Annoncer la couleur
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Another World is Happening. Towards a Great Transition through a Global Citizens Movement
/ Tobias Troll
International Manifesto. Educating for Global Citizenship
/ CIDAC, Inizjamed, UGODEP, Intermon Oxfam
External link: Fulltext
Global Citizenship Education in Today' Schools. Position Paper
/ CIDAC, Inizjamed, UGODEP, Intermon Oxfam
External link: Fulltext
Empowerment Through Training. A Policy on European level-training for the promotion of sustainable and inclusive youth organisations
/ European Youth Forum Jeunesse
COMEN 0262-03, Adopted by the Council of Members, 25-26 April 2003 - Brussels (Belgium)
Justice, democracy and diversity in our food system. CONCORD position paper on food security.
/ CONCORD Europea
A just and sustainable food system would: fulfil human rights, provide healthy and nutritious food, be participative and democratically controlled, recognise planetary boundaries for sustainability and stay inside them and provide resilience to shocks..
Fulltext: PDF; External links: Fulltext; Fulltext
The European Union and its responsibility in the world
/ CONCORD Europe
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
EU responsibilities for a just and sustainable world. CONCORD narrative on Development.
/ CONCORD Europe
CONCORD's Narrative on Development highlights the strategies that we believe should form the basis of a roadmap for the EU's development cooperation ahead of and beyond 2015..
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext