Sangsaeng: Living Together Helping Each Other. How To Foster Global Citizenship? ; No.37 Summer/Autumn 2013
/ Irina Bokova ; Kaisa Savolainen ; Hans Van Ginkel ; Sangeun Nam ; et al
SangSaeng No [...]
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The Blue Dot: Exploring New Ideas for A Shared Future. What Does it Take to Change the World; ISSUE 2 - 2015
/ Zakri Abdul Hamid ; Partha Dasgupta ; Georgina Mace ; Martha Nussbaum ; et al
In the tradition of The Blue Dot, we have put together a collection of articles from some of the keenest minds in the industry, interviews from prominent social activists, features about UNESCO MGIEP’s most innovative programmes, and voices of the world’s youth on their perceptions of, and hopes for, the SDGs..
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The Great Coming Together. Expanded Views and New Capacities; Spring/Summer 2012
/ KOSMOS Global Citizens Creating the New Civilization
What Does it Mean to be a Global Citizen? - by Ronald C [...]
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The European Journal of Development Research. Public Investments in and for Agriculture; Vol.27 No.3
/ Bingxin Yu ; Shenggen Fan ; Eduardo Magalheas ; Sarah K. Lowder ; et al
English Within a policy environment of greater attention to agriculture following the food price crises in developing countries, this Special Issue is motivated by the importance of bringing to bear new conceptual and empirical research on the determinants, trends and consequences of public expenditures in support of the agricultural sector of developing economies. [...]
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The European Journal of Development Research. 'Generating' Development: Situating Children and Youth in Development Processes; 26
/ Karuna Morarji ; Lidewyde Berckmoes ; Ben White ; Caroline Archambault ; et al
The articles comprising this special issue explore how young people’s agency shapes and is shaped by the changing terms of social reproduction brought about by development. [...]
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SCD Service de Cooperation au Developpement Mag; 29
/ Valerie Vardanega
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The Development Education journal; 7.3
/ Moira Jenkins
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Policy and Practice: Tenth Anniversary Edition
/ Stephen McCloskey
This is a special commemorative, tenth anniversary collection of the most cited articles to have been published in the Centre for Global Education’s journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review over the past decade. [...]
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Adult Education and Development; 64
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Fruits des Campagnes. Regards croises sur des campagnes nationales d'education au développement et a la solidarité internationale (Results of campaigns. Feedback from several national campaigns of development education and international solidarity); 9
/ Anne Kabore
Les textes publiés dans ce recueil témoignent des pratiques éducatives et de préoccupations des acteurs, principalement locaux, impliqués dans cinq "campagnes". [...]
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