Civil Society and CSOs

Civil Society and CSOs 292 records found  beginprevious41 - 50nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
41. The space between stories: Final Evaluation of DEEEP4 by its Critical Friend Johannes Krause / Johannes Krause [CS_KR_2] [DEEEP-REPORT-2016-049]
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42. Demandes de la société civile relatives au Programme pour l’après 2015 émanant de 39 pays (Civil Society Demands for the Post-2015 Agenda from 39 Countries) / Beyond 2015 ; IFP ; GCAP [CS_BEY_4] [DEEEP-REPORT-2016-045]
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43. Demandas de la Sociedad Civil para la agenda Post-2015 en 39 países (Civil Society Demands for the Post-2015 Agenda from 39 Countries) / Beyond 2015 ; IFP ; GCAP [CS_BEY_3] [DEEEP-REPORT-2016-044]
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44. CONSENSUS OSC DE SIEM REAP relatif au CADRE INTERNATIONAL POUR L’EFFICACITÉ DE LA CONTRIBUTION DES OSC AU DÉVELOPPEMENT (The Siem Reap CSO consensus on the international framework for CSO development effectiveness) / Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness [CS_OP_9] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2016-020]
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45. Appliquer les Principes d’Istanbul Guide de mise en oeuvre du Consensus OSC de Siem Reap relatif au Cadre international pour l’efficacité de la contribution des OSC au développement (Putting the Istanbul Principles into Practice: A companion Toolkit to the Siem Reap Consensus on the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness) / Cristina Bermann-Harms; ; Nora Lester Murad [CS_OP_8] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2016-019]
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46. Puesta en Práctica de los Principios de Estambul Manual complementario del Consenso de Siem Riep de las OSC sobre el Marco Internacional para la Eficacia del Desarrollo de las OSC (Putting the Istanbul Principles into Practice: A companion Toolkit to the Siem Reap Consensus on the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness) / Cristina Bermann-Harms ; Nora Lester Murad [CS-OP-7] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2016-018]
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47. ‘El mundo que queremos – Más allá de 2015’ Manual para Deliberaciones Nacionales (The world we want beyond 2015: European seminar on the post-2015 framework; 24-25 May 2012) / Beyond 2015 [CS_BEY_2] [DEEEP-GUIDE-2016-017]
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48. Het Noord-Zuidpartnerschap in de dagelijkse realiteit: een rijke en complexe dynamiek met talrijke aspecten / Céline Lemmel ; Franck Signoret [DEEEP-REPORT-2016-017]
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49. Le partenariat Nord-Sud a l'epreuve du quotidien: une dynamique riche, complexe, aux multiples facettes / Céline Lemmel ; Franck Signoret [DEEEP-REPORT-2016-016]
Fulltext: Download fulltextPDF; External link: Download fulltextFulltext
50. The North-South partnership tested by everyday life: a rich, complex and multi-facetted dynamic / Céline Lemmel ; Franck Signoret [DEEEP-REPORT-2016-015]
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