Book ME-BO-1.1 [*] DEEEP-BOOK-2014-052

Measuring effectiveness in development education

D. Bourn and A. McCollum

Development Education Association (DEA)
ISBN: 1-900109-13-1

Abstract: This publication addresses the issues and questions about how NGOs and other development education practitioners consider measuring the effectiveness and impact of their programmes. The issues raised are based on a two-year research project by the Development Education Association, the umbrella body for development education in the UK. They include an exploration of the key concepts in effectiveness and evaluation, a reiview of pilot projects from the research and a framework to assist in measuring effectiveness.

Keyword(s): Case Studies ; Challenges ; Development Education ; Framework ; Indicators ; Learning Outcomes ; Measuring Effectiveness ; Research Project ; Verification

The record appears in these collections:
Books, Guides & Methodologies > Books

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2014-11-19, last modified 2014-11-19

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