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Africa's Reformers
Africa's Reformers

Better governance is driving Africa's economic ascent. From public finance and banking reforms to stronger rule of law and public service delivery, African governance is changing.Through fieldwork, country studies and high-level interviews, this special report - produced by This is Africa and supported by the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative - reviews the momentous reforms occurring across the continent. 

All the articles in the report are below


Africa's Reformers video interviews

Can African governments collaborate more effectively on regional infrastructure? Do foreign investors trust local courts yet? Discussing the most pressing legal challenges for Africa's continued growth, This is Africa speaks to Titus Edjua, director of Clifford Chance Africa Group.


Marking the launch of Africa's Reformers, This is Africa speaks to the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative about governance performance on the continent, the challenges of technical assistance and the critical changes needed for African countries to sustain and deepen growth and development.

Africa's Reformers articles

Paul Kagame.
From Policy

Exclusive interview: Paul Kagame

Rwanda’s outspoken leader on the country’s development strategy, the shortcomings of aid, and his political future

Johnson Sirleaf..

Exclusive interview: Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Exclusive interview with Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia

Hailemariam Desalegn.

Exclusive interview: Hailemariam Desalegn

This is Africa speaks to Ethiopia’s prime minister

From Policy

Healthcare: A democratic dividend?

Studies have linked democracy to improved social indicators, but debate rages about the causal mechanisms at play

Africa’s media hold.
From Policy

Africa’s media hold governments to account

Africa’s media landscape is opening up, putting governments under greater scrutiny than ever before

Joyce Banda.
From Policy

Starting from scratch

Policy makers in post-crisis states face the tough task of bringing their nations back from the brink. Their first challenge is to restore public finances and stabilise economies

International Monetary Fund.
From Policy

Technical aid and governance: Help or hindrance?

After half a century, technical assistance remains a critical yet contested method of supporting governance reform

Amara Konneh.
From Policy

Africa’s next generation

This is Africa profiles the brightest policy makers on the continent

Nick Thompson.

Effective governance: From potential to progress

 The CEO of the Tony Blair Africa Governance on why governance matters, and how it can be strengthened

Kampeta Sayinzoga.

Interview: Kampeta Sayinzoga, Permanent Secretary to the Rwandan Ministry of Finance

“All of a sudden it is becoming cool to have a young leadership”

Click on the link below to download a PDF of the report

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