Report DEEEP-REPORT-2021-037

Seeking Sanctuary. A summary report highlighting the situation for Syrian refugees in Europe.

Refugee Rights Europe


Abstract: Fleeing violence and conflict in Syria, asylum-seekers often find themselves facing very challenging circumstances upon arrival in Europe. These include the containment policies and border-closures that prevent them from reuniting with their family members; as well as the prolonged waiting times for the outcomes of asylum applications. Many are also faced with difficulties in accessing education, adequate accommodation and other services. This report aims to provide an insight into the circumstances and experiences of Syrian refugees in Europe. It focuses specifically on human rights infringements, thus identifying a number of shortcomings in the European refugee relief response, leading to a number of policy recommendations.

Keyword(s): Human Rights ; Refugees ; Migration

The record appears in these collections:
Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Reports

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 Record created 2021-04-20, last modified 2021-08-19

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