Report DEEEP-REPORT-2021-017

Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People Seeking Asylum. The case for evidence-based and trauma-informed care and support

Refugee Rights Europe


Abstract: The high rate of psychological vulnerability and trauma among young displaced people is well-established, commonly caused by compounded traumas from their home countries and migration journeys characterised by painful separations and physical danger. Young people who experience symptoms or run the high risk of developing mental and emotional ill-health, often suffer further exacerbation of their ill-health once they arrive in the European country where they seek asylum. This report offers a situational analysis of mental health and wellbeing among unaccompanied minors and 18–25-year-olds, drawing on an in-depth desk review, alongside first-hand interviews with young people seeking asylum in the UK and their support workers.

Keyword(s): Human Rights ; Refugees ; Migration ; Uk

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Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Reports

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 Record created 2021-04-16, last modified 2021-04-19

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