Report DEEEP-REPORT-2021-011

The "Other" Camp. Filling data gaps relating to refugees and displaced people in Dunkirk

Refugee Rights Europe


Abstract: The “Other” Camp focuses on the Dunkirk refugee camp in Grand-Synthe. Less talked about than its larger relative in Calais, the Dunkirk camp is often overlooked. This data was collected by the Dunkirk Legal Support Team, and analysed and presented by Refugee Rights Europe. Research was conducted in March and April 2016, when 506 individuals were surveyed – roughly 30% of the camp’s estimated population of 1,700.

Keyword(s): Refugees ; Human Rights ; Migration ; France

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Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Reports

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2021-04-16, last modified 2021-04-19

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