DC-LBMK-1 [*] DEEEP-PAPER-2020-005

Tipping the Balance Collective Action by Finance Workers Creates Regulation From Below

Stephen Lerner ; Rita Berlofa ; Molly McGrath ; Corey Klemmer

ISBN: 978-3-96250-041-2

Abstract: Instead of relying on legal and supervisory systems to take on the entire task of financial regulation from above, the authors argue that employees of banks and financial institutions can collectively assist regulatory efforts from below and, in doing so, build safeguards for their own jobs against the incentivization of excessive or fraudulent sales, while at the same time helping to create a more stable and sustainable global financial system.

Keyword(s): Financial Regulations ; Global Financial System ; Financial Institutions

The record appears in these collections:
Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Paper
Sustainable Development

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2020-02-19, last modified 2024-07-08

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