Report MI-FES-1 [*] DEEEP-REPORT-2019-025

The state of the European Union. The European Parliament faces its most important elections

Fundación Alternativas ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Fundación Alternativas
ISBN: 978-84-948895-2-3

Abstract: It is necessary to rethink Europe and, above all, rethink it together. With the beginning of the new European legislature, this 8th edition of the report on the State of the EU aims to contribute to that reflection: On what areas should the reform focus? How can the EU recover its capacity for political design? How can we stop the shift to the right currently taking place in Europe?

Keyword(s): European Union ; EU Commission ; EU Elections
Note: Also available in Spanish

The record appears in these collections:
Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Reports

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2019-12-05, last modified 2021-08-09

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