Report DEEEP-REPORT-2019-003

The rise of new technologies: utility, misuse and meaning

Humanitarian Alternatives

Humanitarian Alternatives

Abstract: Innovation is not a new phenomenon for leading actors of international solidarity. A number of historical examples has shown this, such as the creation of bamboo prostheses for Cambodian refugees by Handicap International in the 1960s, the development of Plumpy'Nut® - a nutritional product derived from peanuts - by Nutriset, in collaboration with Action Contre la Faim, or the solutions Oxfam developed for emergency water provision. What has changed over the last few years is the rise of innovative as a strategic concern for the humanitarian sector as a whole.

Keyword(s): Technology ; Innovation ; Solidarity ; Ethics ; Digitalisation

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Sustainable Development

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 Record created 2019-01-23, last modified 2019-08-07

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