DC-AA-6 [*] DEEEP-PAPER-2018-010

Freedom to Move. Women’s experience of urban public transport in Bangladesh, Brazil and Nigeria, and how lost tax revenues can pay to improve it



Abstract: Millions of people use public transport every day; it is the lifeblood of cities and the most efficient way to move people. Over half the population, however, are marginalised in these systems as the specific needs of women and girls are not catered for; leaving them vulnerable to violence and less able to fully access their rights. For women and girls worldwide, the freedom to move safely around cities is greatly restricted, whether by gender-blind planning and design of transport infrastructure or by social and cultural norms that tolerate violence towards women.

Keyword(s): Gender Violence ; Gender Responsive Transport ; Bangladesh ; Brazil ; Nigeria ; Progressive Taxation ; Progressive Spending ; Nigeria

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Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Paper
Sustainable Development

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2018-07-02, last modified 2018-07-23

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