Home > Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Reports > AidWatch 2016. This is not enough |
Report | DC-CON-62 [*] | |
DEEEP-REPORT-2016-081 |
Abstract: The AidWatch report 2016 discloses that the European Union has again failed to meet its commitment to spend 0.7% of Gross National Income on Development Aid by 2015. The publication entitled ‘This is not enough’, reveals that only five countries met their 2015 targets. To get the full insights and figures, read the new report!
Keyword(s): ODA ; aidwatch report ; AidWatch ; GNI ; 0.7% ; Europe ; Aid Commitments
Note: Readable on ISSUU: https://issuu.com/concordngo/docs/concord_aidwatch_report_2016_web
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Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Reports
Financing for Development