DC-EAD-15 [*] DEEEP-JOURNAL-2015-091

The European Journal of Development Research; Vol.27 No.5 December 2015

Luca Tasciotti ; Natascha Wagner ; Leila Demarest ; Sailen Routray ; Jing You ; Adam Ozanne ; Henrik Hansen ; Neda Trifkovic ; Bram Buscher ; Kouete P. Jimmy ; Ismail Mounouni ; Moda Dieng ; Maria Rusca ; Klaas Schwartz ; Lejla Hadzovic ; Rhodante Ahlers ; Thomas Dufhues ; Insa Theesfeld ; Gertrud Buchenrieder ; Rosalind Eyben ; David Castells-Quintana ; Jose Maria Larru ; Sandeep Goyal ; Bruno S. Sergi ; Mahadeo Jaiswal ; Kea Tijdens ; Janna Besamusca ; Maarten Klaveren ; Sohpie King ; R. Jenkins ; Lawrence Edwards ; Carlos Gradin

European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes-EADI
ISBN: ISSN 0957-8811

Keyword(s): Urban Agriculture ; Watershed Projects ; India ; Household Vulnerability ; Inequality ; International Development ; Decentralization ; Empowerment ; Labour Market ; Accountability

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Articles & Journals > Journals
Development and Global Justice

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2015-11-17, last modified 2015-11-18

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