Report DC-AM-3 [*] DEEEP-REPORT-2014-004

Mobile children: from "victims" to "actors". Early migration and child trafficking in West Africa; 2008

African movement of working children and youth (AMWCY)

ENDA Tiers-Monde Jeunesse Action

Keyword(s): Abuse ; Child Trafficking ; Children ; Communities ; Exploitation ; Families ; Human Trafficking ; Migration ; Parents ; Perception ; Relatives ; Research ; Trafficking ; West Africa ; Youth

The record appears in these collections:
Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Reports
Development and Global Justice

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2014-11-19, last modified 2014-11-19

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