Home > Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Paper > Towards sustainable development - Learning for a world qualified for the future |
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DEEEP-PAPER-2014-022 |
K. Seitz ; J. R. Schreiber
Verband Entwicklungspolitik deutscher Nichtregierungsorganisationen e.V. (VENRO)
Abstract: Education is an important key to shape the process of globalisation in a sustainable manner. This is why the promotion of education for sustainable development has to be made a priority of education and development policies. The International Decade "Education for Sustainable Development" 2005-2014, proclaimed by the United Nations, provides a framework for a global initiative towards a new orientation of education in view of new global challenges. All people are to be offered educational opportunities enabling them to acquire the necessary competencies for sustainable development.
Keyword(s): Approaches ; Civic Organizations ; Competences ; Conflicts ; Education ; Education ; Fair ; Globalization ; Human Rights ; Implementation ; MGDs ; Millennium Development Goals ; Peace ; Poverty ; Responsibility ; Solidarity ; Strengthening People ; Sustainability ; Sustainable Development
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Newsletters, Papers & Reports > Paper
Development and Global Justice