Home > Books, Guides & Methodologies > Books > Toward Global (Environ)Mental Change. Transformative Art and Cultures of Sustainability |
Book | CS-KAG-1 [*] | |
DEEEP-BOOK-2015-077 |
Sacha Kagan
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
ISBN: 978-3-86928-076-9
Abstract: The global crisis of unsustainability is not only a crisis of the hardware of civilization, it is also a crisis of the software of minds. The search for a more sustainable development in the ‘developed’ world has, so far, been focusing too much on hardware updates, such as new technologies, economic incentives, policies and regulations, and too little on software revisions, that is cultural transformations affecting our ways of knowing, learning, valuing and acting together. Sacha Kagan's essay wants to show us the potential of art in the transformation process toward cultures of sustainability.
Keyword(s): Sustainable Development ; Environment
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