ME-PH-1.1 [*] DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-047

Facilitating Organisational Learning; Insights from Practice

Geert Phlix ; Fons van der Velden ; Marieke de Wal ; Kees Zevenbergen

PSO capacity building in developing countries
ISBN: 9789077526071

Abstract: The PSO Association (an umbrella organisation of the major Dutch Development Organisations) has been a leading institution with regard to capacity development in general and organisational learning in particular. From 2007 onwards, PSO has been supporting organisational learning through a variety of instruments and approaches that all aim at improving the quality and effectiveness of Dutch international cooperation. The current study presents a general overview of results achieved along the way and shares insights and lessons that can be learned from experiences with these instruments and approaches.

Keyword(s): learning path ; Methodologies ; Development ; transformative learning process ; Leaderships ; PSO ; power issue ; South ; Challenges

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Books, Guides & Methodologies > Guides & Methodologies

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2015-03-11, last modified 2015-03-12

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