ME-DE-1.4 [*] DEEEP-GUIDE-2015-007

A Journey to Quality Development Education: starting points that help you to be clear about what you do and why you do it.

Harm Jan Fricke ; DARE Forum

Abstract: A Journey to Quality Development Education supports organisations and staff involved in Development Education to begin to take control of the quality of their work. It has developed out of work by CONCORD’s Development Awareness Raising & Education (DARE) Forum - investigating and discussing different evaluation approaches available to Development Education. A Journey to Quality Development Education responds to the reality facing many involved in DE of lacking tools or suggestions that illustrate core characteristics of ‘quality’. A Journey to Quality Development Education helps you to define your work and what you mean by ‘quality’. It deliberately does not offer a set of answers to what ‘quality’ in Development Education is. Instead it uses a Development Education approach in providing a route map to help you explore and define important characteristics of quality for yourself. The framework will help in developing ideas on: 􀁞 why quality is important to you and your work, 􀁞􀀃the issues which should be included in considering quality, 􀁞􀀃how you can see quality -or a lack of it - in the work you do, and 􀁞􀀃how you can provide evidence of the quality of your work. A Journey to Quality Development Education is not meant to replace existing quality assessment or evaluation approaches, some of which are mentioned on the back page of this document. The process used offers stimuli for thought, debate and, we hope, new ideas that are helpful to you and your organisation in creating successful work that has lasting influence.

Keyword(s): Development Education ; Raising Awareness ; Global Learning ; Reflection ; Globalisation ; Ethics ; Citizenship Education ; Advocacy ; Social Change ; Campaining ; Involvement ; Cooperation ; Development

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Books, Guides & Methodologies > Guides & Methodologies

[*] This refers to the hardcopy version which you can find in the CONCORD library. You are invited to our office to browse our resources.

 Record created 2015-02-18, last modified 2015-02-18

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